Happy #MotivationalWorkWeek Everyone! Our Founder Sophia provided tips on how to plan towards a successful week. Beginning the week with a clear indication of what you would like to complete gets you closer to where you would like to be.
1. Wake up 30- minutes earlier than you planned. This gives you 30-MORE minutes to complete a goal or two.
2. Write down all tasks needing to be completed. Even future ones in mind that you are planning to check off your list.
3. Feel good about your mornings! Speak affirmations into your mornings or to something physically active like going for a run. It only takes a day to shift your life and mindset, so start this week😁
4. Practice the art of deep breathing. Remember, everything can get done on your list and most will get done with ease. You must just plan for it. If you can’t get to the task this week, write it down as a high priority for the following week.
5. Believe in your goals. Doubt will get you nowhere, it’s easier to just believe in yourself.
6. Reward yourself. Don’t feel ashamed to reward yourself after a busy week. Whether it’s getting icecream or a new notebook, gift yourself something that makes you feel good.
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